Wednesday, December 24, 2008
3 Years Today!
Morgan Sarah
Mom, Dad, Sarah
Abigail Ann
Mom, Dad and Sarah
Friday, December 19, 2008
Names in the Sand

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This Fall!
These are the pictures that I took this fall of Sarah. The first set of pics are from the pumpkin patch. We went with Wendy and Kaleb. It was fun watching Kaleb and Sarah run around after each other and them running Michael. We also spent a Saturday morning at Zoo Boo with the Urban cousins. We spent the morning walking through haunted houses, trick or treating and looking at the animals. Sarah really liked the monkeys. It was so crowded and crazy! I think that the next time that we go back she will have to be walking around with no need for the stroller. The last set were from Halloween. She loved her bear costume and still puts it on. She loved seeing all the kids in their costumes.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!
Today we are at my Gram and Aunt Marsha's for dinner. We had a great day with the same spirited debates, naps and football on the TV. Sarah refused to eat anything of nutritional value today only the sweet stuff which drives Michael and I crazy. I guess tomorrow is a new day.
Since today is a day of thanks, I have to say how thankful I am Sarah and Michael. They fill my life with so much joy and happiness. I am thankful for family and good friends, they have been such a great support through trying times and a good laugh through the good times.
I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sarah at 1 year!
I have been watching my cousin Desi's little girls Nina and Giulianna. Nina is 3 almost 4. Guilianna is 1, only 4 months older than Sarah. When I look at the three of them playing (or not) it just makes me wonder if this is what it would have been like if Abby, Morgan and Sarah were here. How exhausting it would have been. But I love watching how they interact with each other. I love that every minute is filled with something. When they are gone, I feel sad because my house is quieter and I am able to hear my thoughts more. My thoughts are of the girls and I re-live the day that they were born. The only time I truly had with them. I am starting to forget things about them. Isn't it bad enough that they aren't here with us, do my memories have to be taken also.
My heart is constantly at war, sad that my world is less beautiful without Abby and Morgan, but overwhelmed with the joy that Sarah gives my everyday.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Baby Gabriella!
Beth, Michael and Sarah!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Nat'l Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rememberance Day - Take Action
I am wearing a pair of shoes.They are ugly shoes.
Author Unknown
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Souza Sisters
Friday, September 26, 2008
Patrick and Ber's Wedding
These are a select few of the picture that the photographer took. I wasn't able to take as many picture as I would have liked due to the fact that I had Sarah. It's really hard to carry Sarah and use my camera at the same time. Besides these are far better pictures than I can take.
Just to let those of you that were not there know, how proud of our baby girl that we were, she walked down the aisle. And she only fell once but thanks to Marie who quickly swooped her up, she continued on with ease. I wasn't able to watch the whole thing because I was walking on the outer aisle just in case she decided she wasn't up for it. (Here is where I beg that if anyone has any video or pictures of her walking up I would love to have a copy. PLEASE!!!!) The best part of the whole thing is that the last little bit of her walk turned into a cute run when she saw Michael at the end of the aisle. Michael then brought her around to me and there are no words to express the look of pride and love that Michael had on his face, it brought tears to my eyes.
I just want to say to Patrick and Ber:
Thank you so much for including me in your special day. It was the first wedding I had been to in years that I truly was able to have fun. The last few years for Michael and I have been really hard. The year, September 2007 to September 2008, has been one on the best years of my life. It started with the birth of my beautiful baby girl and ended with your wedding and Sarah's 1st birthday! Ber, you were one of the most stunning brides I have ever seen! (Patrick you weren't too bad looking either.) Patrick, you were such a little brat when I first met you 8 years ago and you have grown into a responsible man. I am so proud of you! Continue to make each others dreams come true and fill each day that you spend together with more love than the day before. Marriage is not always easy so continue to fight for each other. I hope that you are having fun on your honeymoon!
Love you both,
Here is my favorite picture from the whole day! This is the best family photo I have to date and I already have a copy displayed in my living room!
Visiting "More" Nan
Four Generations:

Nan and her grandsons:

Nan, grandson and great-granddaughter:

Father and daughter:

We visited Michael's "More" Nan our first free day. He called her "more" nan growing up because she was another (more) nan. Unfortunately she was not truly able to grasp that Sarah was her great-granddaughter and that Michael was her grandson. She is still in great humor which made the visit very enjoyable. I think that it was important for John to introduce Sarah to his mother and just as important to Michael.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sarah's Irish Birthday Party
Day two was Sarah's Birthday party! Patrick and Ber had everything under control and I felt like there was nothing I could do but enjoy the day. It was weird not doing anything for my daughters birthday but it was nice to be able to watch everything and watch Sarah react to everything going on. Patrick and Ber rented a bouncing castle for the big day and we had a Mickey Mouse theme. As you can see from the pictures above that the adults had just as much fun on the bouncing castle if not more. You may also want to take another look at the pictures and count how many grown men have Mickey Mouse ears on their heads and how many kids did.
There was one point when everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" that I started to tear up. It was very overwhelming to think that a whole year had past. This little girl that was in my arms needing me for everything a year ago is now becoming more and more independent everyday. I just can't believe it. I think by the time that it all sinks in it will be her 2nd birthday.
I added some picture below that the slide show wouldn't let me add. Enjoy there is more to come.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Our first day in Ireland!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Sarah!!!!!
We love you so much and we are so happy you where sent to us by our other angels! Happy Birthday baby!
We love you with all of our hearts,
Moma & Daddy
PS...There is so much that I need to fill you all in on but I have little time to it so I will fill you in on more over the next several days.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
HiHo, HiHo, It's off to Ireland we go.....
1) Sarah sits on our laps, plays nicely, waves to all the people around us, goes through her normal "adorable" performance and then falls asleep....
2) Sarah sits on our laps, plays nicely, waves to all the people around us, goes through her normal "adorable" performance, falls asleep for an hour, then realizes that its going to be a while before she gets off this airplane. Then starts to scream and yell until we let her down, she goes up and down the isle disturbing everyone from their sleep, throws a huge temper tantrum when we go to pick her up and then the pilot will threaten to ban us from all air travel till she is 18 and responsible for herself.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Not much to say....

Tonight a friend of ours, Sylva, brought her baby boy, William over to meet us. Sarah did the cutest thing. Just after William had his diaper changed, he was crying and Sarah tried to give him her Monkey. She was trying to comfort him with her lovey! It was just too cute.